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That's Not Our Name.

01. Yue Yi
02. Joanne
03. Wen Siew
04. Hui Ting
05. Atiqah
06. Azyyati
07. Farah
08. Hafizah
09. Syafiqah
10. Rahimah
11. Shermeen
12. Shahila
13. Shafiq
14. Al Hafiz
15. Bok Mun
16. Darryl
17. Yu Sheng
18. Ryan
19. Irwan
20. Tommy
21. Wai Kin
22. Arif
23. Asyraf
24. Haziq
25. Yaseen
26. Saiful
27. Salimi
28. Sean
29. Inwe
30. Darren
31. Han Bin

Underline Bold Italic Strike Strong Link


Music Playlist at MixPod.com


♥ teachers
Form Teacher: Mrs Wendy Koh
English Language: Mrs Judy Swee
Mathematics: Mrs Janice Ding
Science(Physics): Mr Lim Kok Meng
Science(Chemistry): Mr Calvin Lim
Geography: Mr Millath
Social Studies: Mr Millath
P.E: Mr sayadi
F&N: Mr Ong
D&T: Mrs Wendy Koh

♥ class commitee
Class Manager; Syafiqah
Assistant Class Manager; Sean
Key Manager; Darreen
Maintenence Rep; Joanne/Shermeen
Treasurer; Tommy
Secretary; Farah
Welfare officer; Yueyi/Hafizah
IT Rep; Wai Kin/Saiful
English Rep; Syafiqah
Maths Rep; Saiful
Journal Rep; Yusheng
P.E. Rep; Saiful



Yue Yi
Yu Sheng


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
July 2009
September 2009
January 2010


Layout: february.baby
Inspiration: -Chron
Icon: reruntherace
Hosts: 1, 2, 3.

Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Time: 7:21 PM

There is a new blog for 4E2 ... check it out :]


Date: Saturday, September 5, 2009

Time: 5:10 PM

Photos Updates.

Hello Campaign.

National Day.

Captain's Ball Inter-Class.

Date: Friday, July 17, 2009

Time: 8:32 PM

Those going for tomorrow's 'Hello' thingy.
Remember to wear red top and and comfortable bottom.
Report at Toa Payoh Central Blk 175, next to NTUC at 10
Don't be late !
Smile and don't forget to say 'Hello' !
See you guys tomorrow (:

Date: Thursday, May 28, 2009

Time: 11:30 PM


Date: Friday, May 22, 2009

Time: 9:34 PM

credited : frm 5n1 class blog

3e2 got 4th in upper sec for soccer!

we won all the sec 3 express class & 2nd for whole of sec 3...

well done peeps =]...

ppl in the soccer team for the final:

Saiful, Asyraf, Arif, Salimi, Irwan, Yaseen, Haziq

we are proud of you guys... although we didn't get into top 3 but we noe you guys put in all your efforts.. ii m sure we will get this chance again nxt year so continue to work hard alrights =D


Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009

Time: 7:40 PM

3e2 Class Tee (Joanne's design)

The FRONT don't want. =)


Time: 7:26 PM

21 April 2009 - Classroom's Dustbin.

Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009

Time: 9:25 AM

Congratulations to Syafiqah & Inwe too for topping the class (2008) and achieving best progress (2008) respectively.
All the Best to 3E2 for the coming MYE. :)


Time: 9:19 AM

A BIG Congratulation to Saiful for winning the Man-of-the-Match award in the final game against Tampines Rovers F.C.

Date: Sunday, March 15, 2009

Time: 11:47 AM

So yeah, the Cross Country was fun. I guess
You should see the video i took of Mrs Koh when i was running past her, but if i put it here she would probably kill me.
So i wont be putting the video. Haha

The March school holidays have started, i hope everyone still remembers there are homeworks and projects to be done.
Projects are the Geography(Gambia) and Chemistry(NEWater)
There are online work at www.asknlearn.com
So for all you people that dont have CCA for like 4 times a week, i suggest you do the work. Or there might be trouble when school reopens.

Chemistry: Hand in the first component of the project by Monday 23 March to Ms Soh. You wouldnt want her to deduct marks for late submission.
Geography: Submit the project by Monday 23 March to Mr Millath

Sia lah, i lazy do all the homework on the asknlearn thing. The projects also so troublesome, especially since i have band practices for 4 times a week, which leaves me with 3 free days.
This might be a hectic week, so yeah. Even though there are lots of work to be done, dont get too stressed up. Take some time of to relax, hahahaha. Go watch a movie or something, spend time with your loved ones. And i have no idea why im saying all these -.-

SYF is coming, to all the performing arts students who are participating in SYF, work hard and practice hard!

Enjoy your March holidays 3E2 !
